DMR Legal

Information about our current cases

Tobias Moser / 22. Mai 2023


METALCORP – Analyse und Optionen der Anleihgläubiger

Tobias Moser / 09. August 2022

Adler Group: What is going on with Adler. DMR Legal shares its analysis on recent developments at Adler DMR Legal is in constant talks with investors, their advisors and other stakeholders on the Adler Group situation.

Tobias Moser / 03. Mai 2022

Analysis: Adler in crisis – over EUR 5 billion of bonds under risk Munich, 3 May 2022: Analysis: Adler in crisis – over EUR 5 billion of bonds under riskAdler Real Estate AG

Tobias Moser / 24. Januar 2022

DMR Legal and Houlihan Lokey advise bondholders of paragon GmbH & Co. KG. DMR Legal and Houlihan Lokey advise bondholders of paragon GmbH & Co. KG


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